Sunday, March 09, 2008

I Am Finally Two Years Old! Scroll down for birthday pictures!

Baby Meets Potty (After two months of watching Elmo's Potty Time video in preparation, we introduced her to a training toilet. We should have known that the first thing she'd do is find her Elmo doll and put him on it. It has become the accessory to all her Elmo dolls and has not yet been used for its intended purpose.)

Spring Weekend

It's My Birthday!

Sesame Street, chocolate, and M&M's - my three favorite things!

Hey guys, I need help blowing out my candles.

Thank you for the gifts, Grandma and Aunt Melanie! The paparazzi won't leave me alone!

Thank you for helping me start my singing career, Nana! American Idol, here I come!

Thank you for the cool threads, Grandma and Grandpa! Come on summer, I am ready for ya!

Check it out, Nana, the water table is a hit!

Easter With My Cousins

Thank you for the ears, Tete and Uncle Bobby!

Cousin Tyson proudly displaying his creation.

Cousin Logan showing his missing tooth.

I will savor this jelly bean.

Bubbles and Foam Soap! It caused some confusion for her when we added it to her water table. She kept trying to wash her hair with it.


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