Monday, September 21, 2009

Cabrillo National Monument

Sorry, this is going to be a long post, but won't have as much reading as "Book It". We went to Cabrillio National Monument last weekend and there were just so many photo opportunities. It was a perfect day.

The first time Kennedy and I went to the Cabrillo National Monument it was actually to see the tide pools. I was 9 months pregnant then, wearing flip flops, and trying to find my center of gravity from rock to slippery rock. The tide was too high to explore the tide pools this time, but we found some great treasures on the rocky shore anyhow.

I went through the day snapping pictures and noticing a haze in some of them that I just assumed to be a glare. It was a bright day and light was bouncing off the wet rocks, so I was regretting that I left my camera hood in the car. Well, turns out it was actually a smudge on the lens and it showed up in nearly all my pictures. :( In most of them you can't tell after the resizing, but in some it is a very obvious blur (like the sea snail shot above.)

This cute dress was a hand down from one of Taylor's friends at church. This was the first day she wore it and after a while out it was apparent that the straps needed to be adjusted. Unfortunately, the knots were too tight to undo while we were out, so Taylor went strapless all day. Oh well, it was the beach.

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